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matteo ( gelöscht )

21.10.2009 20:10
IVECO-Fiat 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Hallo alle, lege ich einige Fotos von der Modell-Nummer 220-38 Iveco LKW baue ich jetzt. Ich habe fast fertig
mit dem Fahrgestell, mechanische und Luftfederung zu bauen. I hope you like it.

Einige Stücke werden Harz KFS, einschließlich Aluminium-Räder, alles andere und "Made mit Evergreen, Kupferdraht, Stahldraht, Draht für die Sportfischerei.

S.Oliver Offline

Beiträge: 5.535

22.10.2009 14:54
#2 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Pffffff.... Don´t know what I should say. I think, you are a little bit more crazy than we all together EXCELLENT detailwork I hope I can see sometimes your models at an exhibition.

By the way: Do you have a prospekt or pictures from Italian Trucks like this one:


Gute Vorsätze für dieses Jahr hab ich keine. Die vom letzten Jahr sind noch unangetastet

matteo ( gelöscht )

22.10.2009 19:32
#3 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Hello Oliver, thanks for the compliments, you're very kind,
I hope to build a good model.

I have two tables for Iveco 220-38, where I can attach pictures of these two brochures?
Good evening.

KAWIT Offline

Beiträge: 2.656

22.10.2009 21:21
#4 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Ciao Matteo,

I can only duplicate Oliver's words! If we are somehow crazy about details, you are a maniac.
Fantastic work!!!
You could send the tables to Oliver directly via email or via "Private Nachrichten". So you won't be afraid of any prosecuter in the heoretically possible case of a violation of copyrights.

Best wishes,

TurboStar Offline

Beiträge: 209

27.10.2009 22:40
#5 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Ciao Matteo,

excellent work and a very exclusive project in this scale!
This is what I'm dreaming of for my 190-38 Special, we will see, if I can reach your perfectionism .


matteo ( gelöscht )

14.12.2009 12:07
#6 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Hello everyone, I finally finished adding the details to the chassis of iveco 220-38,
I added the air suspension cables, power cables back cab, and tried to reproduce the air filter. Now I am ready for painting, the exhaust system I will add 'after.
Here are some pictures:

Gabi Offline

Beiträge: 1.307

14.12.2009 18:59
#7 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Hello Matteo,

super Job!


KAWIT Offline

Beiträge: 2.656

16.12.2009 22:59
#8 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Ciao Matteo,

again : superb detailwork!!!

Take care with the Airbrush. Unfortunatedly it's so easy easy to ruin the work.
Good luck for painting.

Best wishes

matteo ( gelöscht )

21.12.2009 15:27
#9 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Hello everyone, I add a few more pictures of the chassis, I added a few more wiring in the air filter and gear zone, then I painted with primer and two times I have painted with red chassis Iveco IC 105, now lacking the finishing touch with the brush, metal parts on the bellows air suspension, then I can 'finally dedicate to the cab. Good day to all

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all

matteo ( gelöscht )

22.02.2010 19:52
#10 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Good evening to all, after a long stop for health reasons, I finally managed to almost finish the Iveco 220-38, here are some photos, I hope you like it.Missing only some little details and the rear lights are provisional.

Nice evening to all

S.Oliver Offline

Beiträge: 5.535

23.02.2010 16:34
#11 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Hallo Matteo,
excellent detail work and the painting looks very good too.


Gute Vorsätze für dieses Jahr hab ich keine. Die vom letzten Jahr sind noch unangetastet

Actros4860 Offline

Beiträge: 744

23.02.2010 19:43
#12 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Hello Matteo,

if you would leave the book in the background away, everybody would think, that´s an original IVECO-Truck.
Congratulations for such an outstanding modeltruck.

Gruss aus der Südpfalz,

KAWIT Offline

Beiträge: 2.656

24.02.2010 18:29
#13 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Hello Matteo,

you created another fantastic model. Congratulations!!!
The paintwork and the details are excellent!
Taking up Andreas' idea, make a couple of pictures in garden or with an appropriate background and you can "sell" that model for a real truck.

Looking forward to your next model,

best wishes

PS: You also found out how to post the pictures properly. So it's now much fasted to regard them. Well done...

steho87 Offline

Beiträge: 95

24.02.2010 19:48
#14 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Hello Matteo,

the first look i believe a original!

you are to much better work than real company of Iveco, because you build in 1:24 scale it. It´s a great work from you

Iám shocked little.


TurboStar Offline

Beiträge: 209

26.02.2010 21:39
#15 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Hello Matteo,

I don't have words for this level of detail, absolute fantastic!
A non everyday Iveco and in particular a non everyday model! At the first view it seems to be no difference between model and real vehicle.


matteo Offline

Beiträge: 16

09.08.2012 21:31
#16 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Hello to all , some weeks ago i completed the Iveco 220-38 with new details and new tires ,in my new garage, then i made a new trailer Cardi firm.

Uploaded with

S.Oliver Offline

Beiträge: 5.535

10.08.2012 15:08
#17 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Now I know where you have been. Working in the garage
This looks fantastic. All those detailwork in the garage and at the Iveco
Please show us more from your Ivecos & FIAT!


Gute Vorsätze für dieses Jahr hab ich keine. Die vom letzten Jahr sind noch unangetastet

Unterflur ( gelöscht )

10.08.2012 17:37
#18 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Hello Matteo,

excellent Detailwork!
Super Job!

Mart Offline

Beiträge: 5.558

10.08.2012 20:20
#19 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Hi Matteo,

You did an excellent work!!!!!!! So much details! The oil dipstick is pull 'n' pushable! I don't believe it.
Also the bundles of iron bars are absolutly original. I haul a lot of them! It looks as real as real can be!



maciek ( gelöscht )

27.08.2012 21:00
#20 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Hello Mateo,
Your Iveco is great! SUPERB !
I really love it.

matteo Offline

Beiträge: 16

05.01.2014 14:58
#21 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Good afternoon to all and happi new year!
I have some news about my Iveco-Fiat collection :

Iveco Magirus 190-25 ANW , work in progress

Iveco Turbostar 190-48 Sivi work in progress

I have many other projects work in progress, but in this moment my PC have some problem to send the images....i'm sorry for this.

matteo Offline

Beiträge: 16

05.01.2014 15:10
#22 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

I sent with other message some photos of new projects work in progress:

Mart Offline

Beiträge: 5.558

05.01.2014 16:31
#23 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Hello Matteo!

Nice to hear from You!
Thanks for sharing the pictures of Your great trucks with us! Your'e really a master in modeling.



S.Oliver Offline

Beiträge: 5.535

05.01.2014 18:55
#24 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Looks fantastic. First I answered your PM and then lookes to the topic here.

Do you apply a snowplow to Iveco Magirus 190-25 ANW tractor?


Gute Vorsätze für dieses Jahr hab ich keine. Die vom letzten Jahr sind noch unangetastet

MagirusMAN Offline

Beiträge: 2.054

05.01.2014 19:23
#25 RE: Iveco 220-38 Traktor Bau Antworten

Hello Matteo
these are again excellent models from you!
Finally someone who also has a built IVECO Hauber.
The Lancia Scratchbau is also very interesting, as are the former FIAT cabins. I'm really excited and pleased about every new model from IVECO specialists Matteo.


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